BCHS Senior Tribute Ad Deadline
- What
- BCHS Senior Tribute Ad Deadline
- When
- 3/31/2023
- Where
Senior Tribute Ads due March 31: The Senior Tribute Ad is the ad that will be placed at the back of the yearbook. These are full-color ads. You may purchase a full-page or half-page ad. Below are the prices and suggestions for the ads. Email all pictures and quotes/messages to [email protected] with the senior’s name and tribute ad in the subject line. If I create the ad, I will email the ad for you to proof before I finalize it.
*Full-page: Up to 12 pictures; message or quote (no more than 150 words)
Prices: If you or someone else creates the ad: $175
If I create the ad: $200
*Half-page: Up to 6 pictures; message or quote (no more than 75 words)
Prices: If you or someone else creates the ad: $100
If I create the ad: $125
**Please note that these dates are final dates. No photos or quotes will be accepted after the dates listed above. Also, I will only accept photos and quotes through my email with the proper information in the subject line. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] at any time. I look forward to working with you!